But a quick acknowledgement of his mistake may not change the fact that a case will be built against him. 但是,快速承认错误并不可能改变其即将被控告的事实。
In this case, Hans does not need to ask for a signature on the "contract," though he does expect a return acknowledgement of the email and will follow-up if he does not receive this within a few days. 本案例中,Hans不必要求客户对“合约”进行签字,虽然他希望能够得到所发邮件的回复,如果几天内没有收到回复的话,他会再次跟进。
No acknowledgement of receipt will be supplied unless you request one. 我们将不会提供收据除非您提出要求。
And the acknowledgement and exercises of the right will leads to the alteration of the interests. The law and the interests are combined through the right. 权利的确认和行使引起利益的变动,法律与利益通过权利实现二者的结合。